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Ushers Ministry to Re-Launch 

Many of the "Norms" are returning next weekend, and it is time to get the usher ministry back in full swing. In addition to offering the collection baskets, ushers serve as greeters, seaters, caretakers, and more, at worship. The usher ministry seeks to call back all pre-pandemic members, those that have served as ushers during this time of pandemic, and  those looking to get involved. The ministry is open to all adult men and women, however, there will be opportunities to engage teens and families, in the near future.  

In preparation of the changes coming on May 22, the usher ministry will be meeting on Thursday May 20th, 6:30pm, in the church hall. Feel free to contact our lead usher, Tom Pettinicchi to  further inquire or schedule yourself for this ministry.