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Annual Fall Picnic Sunday, September 17, 12:30-3:00 PM -  at Crestbrook Park Pavilion


On Sunday, September 17 we will be hosting our annual Fall Picnic, for school and parish families, to be held at the Crestbrook Park Pavilion (Behind the Sunset Grille) from 12:30 to 3:00 PM. BBQ food and picnic snacks will be on the menu. There will be lawn games and crafts for children as well as pick up volleyball and kickball games for the older ones. Plenty of picnic tables and coffee await for the more sedentary. There is no cost to attend this event, however we do ask that you sign up in the weeks prior. Volunteers needed to set up, work game areas, and food tent. If you plan on attending, please sign up at the parking lot side entrance. There is also a sign up sheet for those wishing to volunteer, as a planning meeting has been set for Tuesday, September 12th at 6PM. For information, contact John Lynch at the parish office.